New biomethanisation plant up & running
An important milestone in our TRUST program

A new biomethanisation facility, designed to convert waste into renewable energy, has been started up in our production site in Belgium. This facility works alongside the initial plant established in 2012.
The biomethanisation process uses vegetable waste along with sludge from the waste water treatment. On top of this, the new project allows to valorize biogas extracted from the wastewater
Together, both plants have the capacity to generate 6000kw of power. Combined with the energy generated by floating solar panels, our production site is nearly self-sufficient (approx 95%).
An additional advantage is that we can now use the residual heat from the biomethanisation process directly in our factory to blanch vegetables. This reduces the gas consumption with up to 25%.
This is an important milestone in our TRUST program where we focus, among other sustainability objectives, on renewable energy. It's our way of doing our part to fight climate change and take responsibility for the future.

Korneel Warlop